Due to Covid-19 the JNF has had to restructure how our educational projects have been run. Due to the limited amount of activities being run at schools, our educational workshops have been put on hold. However, we usually run workshops related to Israel’s water, land and tree conservation for pre-primary school children to primary school children. In the future we will also be running outings to our educational environmental centers.
The Israeli Keren Kayemet Diaspora Education Department offers updated materials on the website regarding Afforestation, Hydrology and Reverse desertification - useful for South African ecology teachers. We send educational packs, resources and JNF stickers to the Jewish Studies departments to implement in their lessons. We have also had schools do Shabbat collections and fund raisers for the JNF.
You can find educational resources and games
The Jewish day high schools have eco-committees and the JNF Education Officer engages with the school principals and teachers to bring their attention to the JNF's climate-change projects implemented in Israel as well as in South Africa.